
On Track

Today's weigh-in went well. I feel I met all my goals set for the week - food wise. It's a great feeling to know I met those goals. The goals I didn't meet were the race training goals. I trained, just not as much as I need to be.

Here's where things are lacking:

Measuring - I could be better at measuring the veggies for servings but my favorite thing to snack on is actually snap peas. Totally raw and nakid! Another fav is Red bell peppers. I often wonder how weird it would be if I just bit into one like an apple. Where veggies are concerned I do well.

Sweets - It's the 2 o'clock hour that is bad for me. That's when the chocolate craving hits. The soda craving is still there, but I've more or less kicked that. I don't feel the NEED for it like I do chocolate. How is it that our bodies are so tied to routine? I am fairly certain it's routine more than the taste, or the sugar fix, but we all can agree, chocolate is pretty tasty and well, the sugar fix helps too. I just can't figure how to get past it for long. I made it two days in a row. That is amazing the way things have been going, but really, I need to stretch it further. I think I will try that. I think I will try for three days in a row starting tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Training - I do well, and then life just does what it does, it gets completely in my way! I'll workout as planned for about 3-4 days and then I have an off day. I run completely out of time and some times I just do not have the energy to get the workout in. Then the weekend rolls around and things get crazy. I really need to get to bed earlier and get up earlier in the day. I just do not know how to get back on track and move bedtime back up to a normal hour. I need me some time management solutions! Anyone know a way to get mentors or life coaches for free? I really need help!

It's time to work on making more changes - I am going to start with the chocolate goal for now.


  1. One step at a time is the best way to conquer these obstacles. You can do it!!

  2. I'm right there with you on doing good for 3-4 days and then something comes up and I get knocked down. Baby steps is the only way to get past the obstacles! One litte step at a time!

  3. baby steps! if you can kick the soda habit chocolate is going to be running scared :P
