I find myself saying time related things like:
3 minutes. That's for time out
Hurry up. (CONSTANTLY)
I need more time
Just a minute
Wait a second
Hold on
These are all negative comments and I don't like that I am relaying this sense of hurry, worry and negativity on my son.
How do I turn it around and get back to less rushing. Less negativity, and becoming happy about the time I DO have?
I decided this morning that this was a great blogging opportunity and despite that I am already overworked, rushed and overwhelmed. I am adding this to my plate.
I am setting a goal of gaining at least an hour a week back strictly for me. To read, or sleep, or walk alone. Something that requires no stress, no rush, and gives me pleasure. This goal seems like a low one to most people, but for me a single hour is hard to come by. I have attempted to get up early in the mornings this week to get on the treadmill and workout before work. That means I have to go to bed early, get up early, and I get 40 minutes to bust some calories. I am rushed, I am already starting my day, and the stress creeps in. It's not relaxing.
I want to make this am workout a habit, and maybe this becomes my 1 hour. And maybe, just maybe, that happens 4 -6 times a week (woah - I just got ahead of myself) and I am not stressed doing it any longer. But now it is a stressor because I need to train for a race.
OH, i don't start with small hurdles - this is a 10K. The race is in June, and I can't run much more than 5 min straight, let alone a 6 mile jog!
I know, I am insane.
Okay, so, I am going to try to make this blog about how I am working on becoming, healthier, happier and how this evolution takes place while being employed full time +some, a mother to a super active 3 year old, and a wife to a equally active man who wants me to have more time for him too!
Right now I will not promise daily updates, but maybe as I work towards more free time, I will be able to keep up daily?!
Feel free to post comments, suggestions, thoughts, whatever. I look forward to a new venture with TIME!
YAY! A new blog! I suggest you update daily so I have something read. :)